ข้อมูลนี้ผมก้อปปี้มาจากเว็บไซต์ http://bitfilm.net/2008/01/01/top-php-mysql-and-css-resources/ ต้องขอขอบคุณ

ผู้เป็นเจ้าของต้นฉบับที่ได้รวบรวมลิ้งก์อันเป็นประโยชน์ ตอนแรกว่าจะแค่ทำลิ้งก์ให้คุณๆ ได้เข้าไปที่เว็บเขา แต่เมื่อมองในแง่ของความ

สะดวกแล้ว มันไม่สะดวก จึงก้อปปี้เนื้อหาทั้งหน้ามา บทความนี้ผมเห็นว่ามีประโยชน์มาก รวบรวมลิ้งก์สิ่งที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการเขียน PHP

I’ve been going through my long list of bookmarks to find what I think are the best PHP, MySQL, and CSS sites. Hopefully, these sites will help with your website development:


  • www.php.net – Now this one was pretty obvious, but it has to come first. This is one of my most used websites, as it gives you quick information on functions, etc.
  • Sending Email in PHP: The hacker way – Blog article about creating an emailing system using sockets. Also helps with learning of the SMTP Protocol.
  • SitePoint: PHP – (Sometimes) useful articles about PHP and MySQL. SitePoint also has some great forums.


  • MySQL Data Types – This is a great page on mysql.com featuring storage requirements for data types, maximum/minimum values and information about attributes.
  • Learn MySQL with free onlnie tutorials – Some great tutorials showing you how to do many things in MySQL, such as using joins, altering tables and backing up databases.


  • Min-Height Fast Hack – For some reason, I end up on this page quite a lot; I can never remember the hack.


  • Regular-Expressions – A website that teaches you regular expressions. It also acts as a great reference for those who already use regex.
  • Web Design from Scratch – Teaches the fundimentals of website design.
  • ASCII Table – A simple website, yet frequently required by me. Shows the ASCII table with Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal and HTML variations.
  • Wikipedia – Although it isn’t created as a web development resource, it does contain a lot of good information about protocols, cryptography, etc.
  • W3Schools – I don’t use this website for PHP, HTML or CSS anymore, but do use it occassionally to learn about SOAP, WAP and other things.